How to choose a therapist, a counselor, a psychologist in Budapest?
It is well known that the success of counseling and psychotherapy does not depend on theory applied, or on special counseling, therapeutic technique. But it depends very much on the therapist's ability to understand intuitively and accurately the patient, and to see what truly the patient's problem is. Theory is a great help, and most of the theories of psychotherapy and counseling can equally solve the same kind of problem effectively (e.g.curing depression).
Psychotherapy in general: A psychotherapist interacts with patients to initiate change in the patient's thoughts, feelings, and behavior through adaptation. Psychotherapists provide treatment in individual and group settings. After gathering information and doing a problem assessment, the psychotherapist will define a course of treatment that meets the specific needs of an individual, couple or family. The course of treatment will usually consist of subsequent psychotherapy sessions; working toward a defined goal in mind.